Safe India mission accepts orphans, semi-orphans, and abandoned children into the Safe India orphanage. There, they have all of their needs met, as well as, receive a quality education. These children were known as orphans, begging children or children without a future, but today they are treated like royalty - like the King’s children in SAFE INDIA Orphanage.
In the last 19 years, many of them have finished their education and grown up. Some of them became well wishers for others and orphans. Some of them got married and working in good sectors; some have finished their university education and working as professional positions in different places. Our goal is to help each child discover his future and God’s purpose for his life. All the children in the orphanages have ambitious desires for their lives.
Safe India mission accepts orphans, semi-orphans, and abandoned children into the Safe India orphanage. There, they have all of their needs met, as well as, receive a quality education. These children were known as orphans, begging children or children without a future, but today they are treated like royalty - like the King’s children in SAFE INDIA Orphanage.
In the last 19 years, many of them have finished their education and grown up. Some of them became well wishers for others and orphans. Some of them got married and working in good sectors; some have finished their university education and working as professional positions in different places. Our goal is to help each child discover his future and God’s purpose for his life. All the children in the orphanages have ambitious desires for their lives.
Andhra Bank
A/C Holder
name: "Safe India"
A/c No. 132310011000801
IFS Code: ANDB0001323
Branch: Villivakkam, Chennai-49
A/c No. 132310011000801
IFS Code: ANDB0001323
Branch: Villivakkam, Chennai-49
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