Institute of Community Transformation

Institute of Community Transformation
In the year January 2005, by the response exists to proclaim word of evil eradication, we started our first community transformation program with 13 authenticated social evil eradicators, they were came from social evil believed their morale life in society. 
They had burning hearts to learn social evils. They never looked for a building or for classrooms but they were willing to sit on the ground to learn social evil. At the time the course was just 10 months long. At the completion of the course we sent them back to their own people to transform people within their own communities. Now Safe India is focusing for tribal and gypsy people community transformation. 
Since this humble beginning we have trained 187 social evil eradicators on proclaim word of evil eradication. The theme of this project is training, equipping, sending and planting. Our vision is to have social eradicators to reach their people group.

Would you like to sponsor this Pogrem ?  Please contact the below Id mail Email:         

 Andhra Bank

A/C Holder name: "Safe India"

A/c No. 132310011000801

IFS Code: ANDB0001323

Branch: Villivakkam, Chennai-49 


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